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Our focus is to provide superior nutrition for your pets and educate our customers on how to care for their pets.


  • Australian made & Owned
  • The science behind our diets, plus the quality ingredients that make our formulas unique
  • Hypoallergenic
  • High Bio Availability, such as organic Chelated Minerals & Whole Foods
  • 2 Sources of proteins, meat or fish which offers a greater balance in the Amino Acids, essential to the health & wellbeing of any animal
  • Packed with Prebiotics
  • Grain Free
  • Gluten Free
  • GMO Free
  • No Fillers
  • No Soy extracts
  • No Beef *with the exception of our all-natural carnivore beef
  • No Chicken *with the exception of our "grain-free" puppy & whelping
  • No Growth Hormone's
  • No Chemical Preservatives
  • No Beet pulp
  • No Tomato Pomice
  • No Bran
  • No Antibiotics
  • No Artificial Additives
  • No Colours or Flavours
  • Best sources of DHA brain building foods for smarter canines (Salmon & Fish oil)
  • Natural Ingredients allow for smaller feeding portions, for less clean-up
Absolutely! from teacup size up to and including large and giant breeds, as all our formulations contain the complete range of balanced essential nutrients, ten are essential amino acids from which metabolites such as l-Carnatine are derived. If l-Carnatine needs to be added to the food for large and giant breeds, it simply means there are insufficient essential amino acids present in the diet.
The MfM team is on a quest to make the healthiest pet food in Australia. That's why we invest heavily in research, science and food testing to remain on the cutting edge of nutritional knowledge and animal health. We believe that innovative product development can truly enhance your pet's well-being, which is why we conduct all product formulation work in-house. By owning our own formulations (intellectual properties) we lead the way in innovation.
MfM is made in Australia with wholesome natural food ingredients sourced solely from Australian producers. We create and develop our own recipes with our own in-house nutritionists and have strict procedures in place to make sure that our ingredients meet the highest quality standards.

The term nutrient density has several meanings. Most commonly, nutrient density is defined as a ratio of nutrient content to the total energy content. Nutrient-dense food is opposite to energy-dense food (also called "empty calorie" food). According to the Dietary Guidelines, nutrient-dense foods are those foods that provide substantial amounts of vitamins and minerals and relatively few calories. Meat and vegetables are the nutrient-dense foods, while products containing added sugars and processed cereals are not.

Second, nutrient density is defined as a ratio of food energy from carbohydrate, protein or fat to the total food energy. To calculate nutrient density (in percent), divide the food energy (in calories or joules) from one particular nutrient by the total food energy in the given food.

Third, nutrient density is understood as the ratio of the nutrient composition of a given food to the nutrient requirements of your pet’s body. Therefore, a nutrient-dense food is the food that delivers a complete nutritional package.

Eating nutrient-dense food will ensure your pet’s are getting the nutrients and won't leave them feeling hungry later. Choosing MfM nutrient dense foods can become beneficial for your pets. Just remember that the foods you feed your pet can affect their health in a big way. To be healthy or unhealthy? The choice is yours.

Pets require a diet that regularly includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water for proper nutrition. Of equal importance is the balance of these nutrients in the diet, ensuring the dog/cat receives these ingredients in correct proportions.

Otherwise the following occurs:

  • Excesses – Too much-Protein, fat, salt and sugar.
  • Protein – Excess is converted by the body to nitrogen waste which is excreted in the urine – however if the kidneys are doing this on a daily basis, year in, year out – potential for kidney problems.
  • Fat -Very sweet – and increases palatability but excess tend to create warm and very damp conditions in the body. Clogs up and slows the digestive system.
  • Salt – increases palatability however it is very alkaline forming in the body but excessive use of it is dangerous.

Excessive use leads to calcium depletion, which in turn damages the heart, arteries, nerves, bones, kidneys and muscles.

MfM food starts with real meat or fish first because dogs/cats require animal protein. The first ingredient in any pet food is important because there is more of that ingredient than any other. MfM is backed up with meat or fish as the second ingredient to ensure that your pet gets the animal protein they crave and deserve.
We use foil packaging so your pet receives fresh food at every meal. Unlike plastic packaging, foil packaging has a zero oxygen transfer rate, and by excluding the oxygen we stop any deterioration (oxidation) of the food. Foil=Freshness
Food is the body's fuel, and life does not exist without it. Your pet's health, behaviour, temperament, longevity, ability to reproduce successfully and to recover depends greatly upon properly administered and sustained nutrition.
  • Focuses on bringing harmony to your pet's overall health
  • Concentrates on your pet's overall physical, mental and emotional health, instead of focusing on individual systems
  • Keeps your pet's body and mind balanced to allow for increased maximum potential for function and happiness
  • Targets the whole body in the belief that all systems are connected and that imbalance can cause a range of problems throughout the body's system
  • Has all the vitamins, nutrients and minerals your pets need
  • Has a high digestibility with maintained good taste
  • Promotes overall health and wellness
  • Undergoes no chemical processing and contains no additives, preservatives, by-products, artificial colours or flavours
  • Is mostly free of allergens that can cause an upset stomach, skin irritations and irritable bowels
  • Contains essential amino acids, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, quality carbohydrates and antioxidants to promote healthy skin and coat, strong teeth, muscles and joints
Obviously, our furry friends need differing ingredients to ourselves, and this is the first distinguishing factor with MfM formulations. All MfM foods are formulated from ingredients that are natural to the species being fed. Just because a particular ingredient is seen as being beneficial in human nutrition, doesn’t mean it is beneficial to our pets. Unfortunately, the pet industry marketers have made a great play out of manipulating our emotions and beliefs to accept human “superfoods” as being of superior benefit to our pets. Unfortunately, this concept is a fallacy.
Essential nutrients are consumed in the body in specific proportions to one another and in ratio to the expenditure of energy. And this is the key to all MfM diets; each one contains the essential nutrients in the correct ratios to each other and proportional to the energy content of the food. So MfM formulations are not put together by ingredients per se, but are put together by nutrient profile drawn from the appropriate raw ingredients. Your MfM nutrient profiles are the result of 40 years of intensive research into the science of nutrient balance for dogs and cats.

Matching the nutrient profile to the animal has many wonderful benefits:

  1. Reduces nutritional stress – nutritional stress is one of the largest stressors in our pet’s life. Having nutrients in the correct proportions allows a much easier nutrient path within the body and eliminates much of the work by the animal in sorting out these nutrients.
  2. Improves digestive efficiency – having the correct amounts of the correct nutrients means more of the food is used in the body and less is eliminated as waste. This means less food for you to buy, and less waste for you to pick up and dispose.
  3. Promotes well-being – we’ve all eaten the wrong foods at some stage in our life, and have all suffered accordingly. Having the correct nutrients in the correct proportions eliminates those sluggish, tired feelings, and this allows our pets to enjoy a higher quality of life.
  4. Aids longevity – stress is a killer, and the same holds true for our pets. Reduce nutritional stress and you live longer; it’s as simple as that!
  5. Promotes good health – as science continues its relentless quest for understanding, it is becoming more and more obvious that we are what we eat. In human nutrition it is now widely recognised that poor nutrition is a precursor to many insidious and often fatal diseases. The same holds true for our pets, which is why we at MfM pursue the science of nutrition with such vigour.
MfM has been formulated to exceed any standards set by AAFCO nutrient profiles.
  • Many pet owners have a number of legitimate concerns (sometimes fears!) concerning certain foods, for which they need answers before feeding their pets MfM.
  • Although pet owners realise that MfM is the Gold Standard in holistic pet care & nutrition, these concerns require to be addressed.
  • These fears and concerns mostly involve the idea that garlic is somehow dangerous to their pet’s health and wellbeing.
  • We will address such fears and concerns, and we understand that pet owners need valid information in order to make that important decision to switch their pets to MfM.
Yes we do, Please contact us for more info.