
Product Alert Update Find out more


We look to meet our Terms of Service at all times.
In an aim to bring a level of transparency to our products and how we operate.


All prices are managed and can vary between stockists. While we try to promote a consistent price range we cannot control price fluctuations.


We are committed to providing exceptional customer service to complement our awesome products. If you need anything at all, please shoot us a line at admin@mealsformutts.com.au


All logos, photography, written content and business elements are owned by MfM Australia. Any unapproved use of our content will be acted upon.


The content of this website is solely for the promotion of our product, brand and promoting the lifestyle connected to having a happy and healthy pet. You may not reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works of, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the contents of this site.
Downloadable content can only be used for personal use and can never be passed on, sold or reformatted for personal use.


Reproduction or re use of our visual/written material on social media can only be done for the purpose of promoting the MfM brand. A credit must always be visible in the form of a watermark, hashtag (#whennutritionmatters or #mfmaustralia) or tag (@MealsForMutts).


The content in our blog is owned by MfM Australia and our contributors. We have cross promotion agreements. You may only use the content with the written consent of the blogger. Tweeting links or re posting with links back to our blog are encouraged.


The content of our website is general in nature and offers to educate and inform our readers. It should not be taken as a perfect supplement, course of action or act to achieve the results you desire for your pets. We advise everyone to seek professional advice tailored to your specific pet’s medical conditions and needs